armament industries造句
- Until the latest of our world conflicts , the united states had no armaments industry
直至最近的一次世界性冲突之前、美国仍没有军事工业。 - But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense ; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions
但是现在我们不能再以临阵磨枪的方式承担国防上的风险;我们已被迫创建一个规模宏大的永久性军事工业。 - Reversal of industrial revolution is signified by , changing swords into ploughshares , spears into pruninghooks , transforming , the armament industries into agricultural production
上面这段话就是说,工业革命以后产生了温室效应的加速,原因乃是人民弃农而从商,商业抢夺市场,增加竞争,导致战争的产生。 - It's difficult to find armament industries in a sentence. 用armament industries造句挺难的